Our district is committed to providing sound fiscal management and stewardship of the district's financial assets, ensuring stability and solvency for the achievement of district goals, while demonstrating accountability, transparency, and trustworthiness in the management of the district's financial resources. To that end, this webpage was created to provide open and transparent reporting of financial information. If you have any questions, please reach out to Cody Martzluf, Chief School Business Official, at 309.389.3000 or via email

The district contracts with Gorenz and Associates, Ltd to condute our district's annual audit. Each fall, our auditor provides a report to the board of education summarizing the prior year's financial information.

Click here to view our audited financial statements

Click here to view our auditor reports

The Annual Statement of Affairs is a financial report that all school districts need to complete according to Illinois State law. Annually, school districts must publish a summary of the Annual Statement of Affairs in a local newspaper prior to November 30. School districts must also submit the full electronic report to the Illinois State Board of Education before December 15. The Annual Statement of Affairs contains a financial summary of a school district’s funds, tax rates, equalized assessed valuation, and enrollment. Summary information regarding employee salaries and payments to vendors is also contained in the report.

Click here to view the district's annual statements of affairs

Below is an excerpt from the Guidance Reporting Requirements on Contracts Exceeding $25,000:

The School Code was amended in January of 2008 to add requirements concerning reports on contracts exceeding $25,000, beginning with FY 08, in conjunction with submission of the Annual Statement of Affairs (105 ILCS 5/10-17).

The new provisions, effective for FY 08, include the following requirements:

A school board must list on the district’s Internet website, if any, all contracts over $25,000 and any contract that the school board enters into with an exclusive bargaining representative.

Compliance with this requirement can be achieved if all contracts exceeding $25,000, including personal service contracts and agreements with an exclusive bargaining representative, are posted in a list on the district website. Subsequent to the initial posting, as such contracts exceeding $25,000 are awarded by the school board, they should be added to the list.

Contracts to be excluded from the report submitted to ISBE would include: (1) collective bargaining agreements with district employee groups; and (2) personal services contracts with individual district employees.

Click here to view the district's summaries of contracts over $25,000

Each year, our district must create a budget that reveals the district’s revenues and expenditures and it must make its annual budget available for public inspection. The budget is the school district’s plan for how it will allocate and expend revenue dollars. It is the basis for a school district’s tax levy.

The tentative budget must be displayed at least 30 days prior to its adoption. A public hearing must be held prior to the adoption of the budget. The district must publish a legal notice indicating availability for the public to inspect the tentative budget, including the date, time, and location of the public hearing (105 ILCS 5/17-1).

The District 327 School Board is charged with approving and adopting an annual budget by the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year. September 30 is the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year for most Illinois school districts, including District 327, and is the last day to adopt the annual budget.

Click here to see the district's annual budgets

The Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) created the Meritorious Budget Award (MBA) to recognize districts for creating budgets which successfully speak to the community. Meritorious budgets meet many carefully selected criteria. Meritorious budgets meet a national standard designed to promote best practices for fiscal management. The MBA promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials’ skills in developing, analyzing, and presenting a school system budget. After a rigorous review by professional auditors, the award is bestowed only on school districts that have met or exceeded the program’s stringent criteria. Less than one percent of schools nationwide receive this honor.

Click here to view Illini Bluffs #327's FY24 MBA Submission

Click here to view Illini Bluffs #327's FY24 Award Notification


Illini Bluffs School District 327 along with all other Illinois school districts, is required to file an annual financial statement of actual audited financial results for the fiscal year. This report is prepared and submitted on a prescribed state form.

Click here to see the district's annual financial reports



Sections 10-20.47 and 34-18.38 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/10-20.47 and 5/34-18.38 require school districts to report administrator and teacher salary and benefits to the Illinois State Board of Education. Illinois School Code states that each school board shall report to the State Board of Education, on or before July 1 of each year, the base salary and benefits of the district superintendent [or the general superintendent of schools or chief executive officer] and all administrators and teachers employed by the school district. For purposes of this Section, “benefits” includes without limitation vacation days, sick days, bonuses, annuities, and retirement enhancements.


Duty to Post (5ILCS 120/7.3) information pertaining to benefits offered through the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. (c) Employer must post on its website the total compensation for each employee having a total compensation package that exceeds $75,000 per year. For the purposes of this Section, “total compensation package” means payment by the employer to the employee for the salary, health insurance, a housing allowance, a vehicle allowance, bonuses, loans, vacation days, and sick days granted.

Click here to see the district's compensation reports

The board of education has negotiated contracts with the Illinois Federation of Teachers who represent the certified teaching staff, and the Illini Bluffs Educational Support Personnel Union who represent the educational support staff.

Click here to see the district's current collective bargaining agreements

The levy process is a critical one that must be done correctly in order to help maintain the finances of a school district. The tax levy is our mechanism for generating revenue locally and controlling how it is spent. The tax levy is a request for a specific dollar amount to help partially fund our various programs and operations.

Click here for levy information.

Public Act 102-0895 requires school districts with cash reserve balances to disclose that at the annual budget and levy hearing.

Click Here for Fund Balance Information

ESSER III Spending Plan

ESSER III Spending Plan - Click Here